I guess I should start by saying that I've finally finished my first full-length novel. My proud bundle of joy, is a lovely 401 pages long and about 86,000 words. I couldn't be prouder.
Of course, now I've got to proof, edit, and revise. This time around, I haven't read and reread my story so many times that I'm sick of it. No, I'm reading it almost as though I'd never seen it before. I think I love it. I find myself chuckling because I'm picturing myself like Tom Hanks on 'Castaway', you know:
"Look! Look what I have created! I. I have made a book!"
Except I don't have a Wilson to share in my triumph. Sure, I did run around my house shouting, 'I Dudditz!' (thanks Stephen King for 'Dreamcatcher') with my dog watching, no doubt wondering what has come over her normally self-composed mommy. But now...now, the novelty has worn off and its back to work again.
Not that its a bad thing. I need to clean this story up so I can start sending it off for the Great Hunt for an Agent/Publisher. Will I be bloodied from the hunt? I hope not. I've read so many articles and blogs about the rejection, but I think I can handle it. What I really fear, is the acceptance. If I was that excited about finishing the book, I'll probably burst into tears if I got a contract. Who knew I was so emotional?? Other than my family, that is.
Anyway, this rambling blog is coming to an end with the cessation of the hellish weather I'm hearing right now.
Friday Book Club
2 days ago
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