I've been trying to devise ways to get this blog out there, get some more readers (because I know everyone wants to read about my fabulous lifestyle). Having commented on several blogs, I found myself winning a book from the lovely ladies at http://southernsizzleromance.wordpress.com/ and it gave me the idea that perhaps I should do something similar.
Unfortunately, until I get published, the books folks can win will be from my own (enormous) collection of romance novels. If you're interested in this type of contest, here are the rules:
There are none! Just comment on something I've blogged about. I'll put all the names in a hat and randomly choose one winner a week and give them a choice of novels to be sent to them. Trust me, my bookcases will appreciate it. They've been recently cleaned out, but I have a nasty habit of buying and buying...well, you get the idea.
If you're interested, comment and send your friends over to comment as well. We'll have the drawings on Sundays and winners announced on Monday morning.
How does that sound?
On a different note...the ladies at SouthernSizzleRomance are trying to give me a heart attack with their pictures of sexy men taking showers. Shame on you! I think I need my heart checked at least once a day, so post more! haha I've decided I need to have something like this as well. It'll be very difficult to search for pictures of hot men, but someone has to do it, right? So this is your chance to leave some great comments.
We've already got Gena Showalter's Beefcake Mondays, Sapphire Phelan's Hot Hunk Wednesdays, and SouthernSizzleRomance has Wednesday Eye Candy. I'll take Fridays...here's your first assignment for the contest! Come up with a proper name for a Friday hunk fest...should it be Frank and Beans Friday? (Okay, that was awful which is why YOU need to come up with the right name. Get to work!!
Friday Book Club
2 days ago
Actualy the book giveaway is good idea, I was thinking of doing the same thing to help get my blog more exposure. I got so many books at Nationals this year, that I was thinking of using some of them for this purpose.