Not to keep going on about the conference this weekend, but I'm so glad its over. My feet were hating me for stuffing them in heels all weekend. I was never so glad to put on my sneakers to come to work as I was today.
How sad is that? Aren't women supposed to be able to suffer for beauty or something like that? I think I'm missing that hormone...the one that allows women to wear heels and look comfortable doing it. The entire time I was stuffed into wedges, heels, and boots, all I could think was 'Oh God, let me find a seat'. The really sad thing is, I loved every pair of shoes in a 'I like to look at them' way, not a 'I can't wait to wear them'. The heels were seriously cute, but I had to pry them off my feet when I was finished wearing them.
I have to give major kudos to women who can and will wear heels every day. I envy you! My feet don't have a very high threshold of pain. Give me a tattoo, but don't put heels on my feet.
On a slightly different note, I've got to buckle down this afternoon and work on my synopsis and clean up my MS more. I'm going to just blurt it out. This weekend, I had requests from 2 editors for full manuscripts. I've been so over the moon about it, that I didn't care about my feet until they started feeling normal again.
Friday Book Club
2 days ago
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