From the Heather Graham Writers for New Orleans Workshop and I'm pooped. Well, I'm not just getting home. I've been home since about noon, but had family over so wasn't able to really relax until now.
It was my first conference, so I don't have a basis for comparison, but I will say that I had a wonderful time. My toes are numb from wearing dress shoes (I'm a total jeans, T-shirt, and tennis shoes girl) so heels and wedges kill me. Considering we walked around the Quarter as well doesn't help matters much, lol.
The people were amazing. I met so many wonderful pre-published and published authors that my head is spinning. Kathy Love and Erin McCarthy were hilarious and threw a wicked welcome party (Hello, it was also Decadence Fest and there were plenty of beautiful bodies all over the place). Helen Rosburg hosted a steamboat ride on the Natchez that was very soothing (even though my heels were killing me and I was terrified to go anywhere near the rail!!). Saturday was filled with a flurry of informative panels from Pros and Conflicts of writing to Handling your Dream job and real life. Everything was interesting and very helpful.
This morning was set aside for editor and agent appointments. I'll just say that I started out my morning feeling somewhat sick and ended it feeling faint. It was a rollercoaster ride I'm not sure I'll ever feel blase about, but it went wonderfully! The two editors I met with were very nice and didn't make me feel nervous at all. Overall, it was a very satisfying twenty minutes lol.
Le sigh. Folks, I just have to say right now that if you haven't been to a conference, you should. I was somewhat resistant, but I'm so glad I did. Heather and her gang did a wonderful job of making everyone seem welcome, New Orleans was hospitable (as always), and of course the food was good! It was a lovely weekend and I'll probably be walking on Cloud 9 for the rest of the month lol, well, I would except for all the work I have ahead of me now!!
Friday Book Club
2 days ago
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