I'm having a heated debate with my best friend in the world. She and I have been friends since we were 13 and even though we have a lot of things in common, we don't always see eye-to-eye.
Today's discussion is about the Lifetime network. She claims to love it. I'm not a fan. I'll watch it come August 20, but that's because Project Runway will be playing there now. No, my problem is the docudrama.
See, as a single woman (and a romance writer), I want to believe in love and happiness...even if the cynical part of me calls the romantic side a fool. So, sitting down to watch a Lifetime docudrama is BAD. Think about every docudrama you've ever seen on Lifetime. Some woman is either being abused, cheated on, murdered, kidnapped, raped, or having her children taken away from her by her husband, her mother, her ex-boyfriend in college, her neighbor, her husband's ex-girlfriend, a total stranger, the person she talks to at the bus stop, or she has a eating disorder that kills her, that's another one. It isn't very pretty. It depresses me. I believe the last movie I watched on Lifetime was about a porn actress who either killed herself or someone else killed her. I was unemployed, sick with pneumonia watching this movie, and I couldn't. Leave. The. Room. Now I don't even bother flipping to that channel.
I keep telling people that if they showed docudramas like this in Sex Ed classes, teen pregnancy would probably go down. No offense, Lifetime! I know a lot of women who adore that channel, spend hours - hell, entire weekends- watching it, but not this cookie!
Friday Book Club
2 days ago
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