Well, I'm not sure how it's managed, but I'm having one. I think I was okay until I got to the office. In fact, it might not be me at all, it might be all of the onions that were chopped have sunk into my brain and eyes making it impossible for me to think. You see, I work in the oil industry (lots of men in hardhats 'hubba hubba') and the bosses like to cook. Unfortunately for me, my office is right next to the kitchen so anything they cook filters in here and I smell like whatever they cooked that day. Fried shrimp? You got it. I walk out of here at the end of the day smelling like fried shrimp. So much for my expensive perfume!
I need to get some writing done today, but I just don't know if I have the...I don't even know the right word. This is a further example of why I shouldn't be subjected to their cooking ventures. It rattles my brain and I'm useless!
Or maybe it isn't any of that. Maybe it's because tomorrow's my birthday and I'm beginning to feel the 'getting-older-blues'. Hm, I doubt that. Birthdays don't bother me. I don't mind getting older.
Maybe I'm just under the weather. That's got to be it! Thanks so much for letting me work this out for myself!
Friday Book Club
2 days ago
Danika! I love having to blog on Friday's b/c it's the last day of the week (AS WE WRITERS KNOW...WE REALLY DON'T GET WEEKENDS), but I get to check my blog and respond which gives me a little time from writing. I find it refreshes my crazy mind. Happy early birthday!!