I've heard this phrase several times over the years. Mostly because some people don't think I'm a 'normal' female. Why? Is it because I dress up like a man and call myself Steve? No. Is it because I dislike children to the point that I run away screaming at the thought of the little terrors touching me? No, not all the time. It's because I have interests in things that aren't considered especially feminine.
I like cars. I like to look at cars, watch cars, drive cars. I've always been like that. I enjoy learning about new cars and how fast they go, or how strong they are. I'm not restricted just to cars either. I like trucks and SUVs and motorcycles and everything in between. I'm not into racing though, so that's one boon towards my questionable girliness.
I LOVE football. I was in band for nearly 10 years, playing in high school and into college, so football games were required and I grew to love the sport. I'm a rabid fan, screaming my fool head off for my team (the New Orleans Saints, of course) and cheering for homeboys who make it to the NFL. I don't know all of the penalties (not yet) but that doesn't stop me from assuming something is pass interference when it's a legit play. When I get together with my older sister, we talk about two things: football and food.
I also love to fish. I'm usually the only girl when I go fishing and it's okay. I don't have my boys (nephews, brother, brother-in-law, cousin-in-law) do anything for me. I bait my own hook, reel in my own fish and clean it too. This is a great change from the much younger me though since I was once convinced a seven pound catfish could pull me into the water. Yeah, I wish, lol.
Does this make me an unnatural female? Does the fact that I don't mind watching UFC matches make me less feminine? I don't think so. In fact, I think it makes me more so. If you think about what I say I'm interested in, you'll see that they generally involve men (and in the form of football: men in very tight pants and bulging muscles). I love men. I like to watch them interact with each other, I like to watch them walk, and sometimes I like to listen to them talk. ;)
Women should be able to appreciate anything they want to without having their femininity come into question. You like Lumberjack competitions? Good for you! You really enjoy hunting? Go for it, sister! Do what you wanna and enjoy it with all of your girlie heart!
Friday Book Club
2 days ago
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