I realized that I haven't blogged for at least 4 or 5 days. OMG. I know you're all just dying to know what's been going on (well, maybe not, but thinking it was a great ego boost).
Cookie is home finally. She came home complete with a cone around her head on Saturday. She hates the cone, hates having to take her medicine, and is eating like a little pig. Her stitches look good and she's becoming more accustomed to having us around. She likes to greet us with an extended paw and a Darth Kitty purr (because of the cone, when she purrs it sounds a bit like Darth Vader...too cute). She's gaining weight and attitude and we love it.
I sent out five or six query letters last week and got one rejection so far. In thinking that the query just wasn't strong enough (because apparently the story was 'intriguing' but didn't make the agent enthusiastic for more), I posted it in the Absolute Write forums in the hopes that some tough criticism will help me. I've only had a couple of reviews, but it did help a bit. I rewrote the query and reposted, so hopefully it'll be better than the first.
I have a feeling that there are some people out there who just NAIL the query letter and pitch, while others struggle mightily. I have a feeling I'm in the latter group. I'm long-winded and grinding a 93,000 word story into 250 words or less is downright scary. I think I'm no longer afraid of the synopsis. No, it's the query letter and pitch.
Speaking of pitches, I've got to get working on mine soon. Next weekend is the Writers for New Orleans Workshop and the editor appointments. Maybe working on the query letters will help me get through the pitch, or is it the other way around? Mais, this is so confusing.
That's about it really. Life has been busy with Cookie and the family, oh and a wardrobe malfunction at work yesterday. About halfway through the morning, I realized that my jeans had ripped right next to the back pocket. A HUGE rip...straight down my butt showing off my bright colored undies. Can we say 'OMG'? Oh yes, people. I was laughing hysterically, praying that no one at work saw it before I bustled out the door so fast that I think I kicked up dust. This is really no different than my very FIRST day at this company, when I went the entire day with my fly undone, or the day that I realized that the slacks I was wearing were not only on inside out, but also backwards. I'm a disaster when it comes to dressing myself apparently. I hope that got some laughs out of ya'll. :)
So that's all for now folks.
Friday Book Club
2 days ago
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